How to Get a Brow Lift

If you are interested in getting a brow lift performed by our professional surgeon, you must attend a consultation first. Discussing your candidacy is important to begin with because the physical and mental health of our patients need to be evaluated by our Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon. A physically healthy patient with good healing properly is considered ideal in terms of achieving optimal results in the recovery phase. The consultation is also there as an opportunity to ensure that the patient understands the details of surgery and does not have unrealistic expectations.

The brow lift options include traditional, invasive surgery and liquid techniques to improve physical signs of aging. Some patients prefer to have the invasive surgery done to ensure prevention of needing additional treatments in the future. It involves making incisions to create an entry point to help rejuvenate the underlying tissue and remove excess skin. Patients that prefer to have a quick, less expensive treatment can choose Botox or other liquid fillers as an alternative that requires no incisions. Treatments can be performed separately or done together as a combined solution to achieve the best results. Provided by our expert in brow lift surgery in Beverly Hills, please schedule your consultation today.

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