History of Eyelid Surgery

While there have been huge leaps in the advancement of surgical techniques that are used to enhance the appearance of the eyelids, this type of surgery has actually been performed for centuries. In fact, in the 1st century A.D., Roman philosopher Aulus Cornelius Celsus first mentioned removal of excess upper eyelid skin.

In the 1800s, the term blepharoplasty was first used by German surgeon Karl Ferdinand Von Graefe to describe reconstruction surgery following removal of cancer tissue. Drawings of the aging eyelid were first published in this time.

More advances were made in eyelid surgery in the 1900s. Diagrams published by American surgeon Conrad Miller show incisions that are similar to those currently in use. Marking of skin prior to surgery was encouraged, and techniques were used to reduce the chance of excess scarring. During World War I and World War II, many injured soldiers were in need of reconstructive eye surgeries, leading to better techniques.

It has been in the last couple of decades that technological advances have really come about to reduce the risk of complications and improve results. An expert in eyelid surgery in Los Angeles can tell you more about your options.

Are Facial Cosmetic Surgeries Affordable?

Determining how affordable a facial treatment is begins with understanding the financial situation of a specific candidate. Individuals with a lot of excess income may feel comfortable undergoing multiple expensive treatments without feeling that it is a burden on their finances. Other people might need to carefully budget for months to make the investment in their preferred technique. If money is an issue, the cost of nose job in Beverly Hills can be reduced by undergoing the liquid filler treatment that is an alternative to surgery. The majority of popular surgical procedures are offered with the option of an alternative technique that is more affordable in the short-term picture.

Facial filler is very versatile in the way that it can rejuvenate the appearance or change the characteristics of a specific feature, like the nose or lips. One exception is the eyelid area because most patients want to rejuvenate loose skin to eliminate wrinkles, and more work is needed than simple adding filler. The cost of eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills may be reduced if an Asian patient only desires the creation of a natural-looking fold of skin. This can be achieved in some patients with the addition of basic sutures, so they would have an opportunity to achieve their goals without real surgery.

Different Ear Surgery Techniques

Otoplasty is the term that refers to cosmetic surgery of the ears. Ear surgery may be recommended to reconstruct the ear after injury or damage. Otoplasty is frequently used to make the ears more aesthetically pleasing or to correct a deformity. Ears that are too large or too small can be resized, uneven positioning can be corrected, as well as correction of any asymmetry issues. There are many different techniques that a surgeon may use to make the ears appear in better balance with the rest of your facial features.

There are various structures that compose the ears consisting of cartilage, muscle, skin, and connective tissue. Depending on the imperfection that you want your Beverly Hills facial plastic surgery expert to address, the surgeon may reshape any of these structures through the use of incisions, sutures, or both. The surgeon may remove cartilage or skin when necessary. In the alternative, your surgery professional may be required to graft skin or cartilage to reshape the ear.

Incisions are frequently made behind the ear. When incisions are required in the front area of the ear, the surgeon can typically hide them within the natural contours of the ear.

Trends in Non-Surgical Facial Surgeries

Botox is one of the most highly-recognizable products that is used in non-surgical rejuvenation techniques because it is effective. As the desire for alternative treatments has grown in the world of cosmetic surgery, our expert has made an effort to offer additional solutions to rejuvenate or improve the appearance of patients. A big trend is the use of hyaluronic acid products to eliminate wrinkles and enhance important areas of the face so that surgery is not needed. It is a very safe solution that does not cause an allergic reaction or other dangerous side effects to any patient receiving a treatment.

The expert in non-surgical facelifts in Beverly Hills offers rejuvenation to the cheek, brow, or forehead areas by plumping the visible wrinkles. Botox is often added to accompany the filler because it tightens the underlying muscle for a more thorough lift. Beautifying solutions are offered by the expert in non-surgical nose jobs in Beverly Hills because many patients do not want a complex treatment or long recovery. Liquid filler used to achieve the benefits of a nose job, facelift, or lip enhancement offers advantages like a very short recovery, no chance of a botched result, and an immediate improvement.

Purpose of Upper Eyelid Surgery

There are different reasons why an individual may choose to have surgery to the upper eyelid. In some cases, it is to resolve a monolid appearance with a double eyelid surgery. Other times, sagging skin or excess fat may build up to cover part or all of the upper eyelid. If the drooping tissue affects your vision, the surgery may be medically necessary. However, you may simply want more self-confidence from a more rejuvenated appearance. A skilled facial plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills can discuss the different options that will help you to achieve your aesthetic goals.

During the aging process, less collagen is produced. This can lead to less volume and results in sagging of the skin. Because the skin in the eye area is already thin, loss of collagen can have a dramatic impact on the upper eyelids. A Beverly Hills upper eyelid surgery expert can remove any unwanted tissue and tighten up the remaining skin. This can transform a sad or tired expression into one that is interested and more alert. Whether you wish to look younger or correct a monolid, an upper eyelid surgery may be a good choice for you.

Are Non-Surgical Rhinoplasties Expensive?

One of the most appealing things about a non-surgical rhinoplasty is that it can save a significant amount of money when compared to the traditional technique. Instead of being placed under general anesthesia to complete a series of invasive steps, our expert in non-surgical rhinoplasty in Los Angeles uses facial filler. The solution is placed into certain areas of the nose with a needle and syringe, so most patients feel completely comfortable with only a local or topical anesthetic. Staying awake during the treatment also allows an opportunity to give the specialist feedback as they are gradually improving the appearance of the nose.

Although the non-surgical rhinoplasty cost in Los Angeles is less expensive, each candidate must be aware that the filler does not last. Maintenance is required an average of once per year to replace the facial filler that slowly disappears. This does entail making the same investment in each treatment, so after a few years it may not be as cheap as undergoing a traditional rhinoplasty. Although expense may be an initial concern, it is best that you make an informed decision about which nose job technique is going to make you feel that it is worth the investment.

Steps in Eyelid Lift

There are several different types of eyelid surgery that can be used to enhance your appearance. These are lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery, and double eyelid surgery, also called Asian eyelid surgery. These procedures are sometimes referred to collectively as eyelid lift. While the end result of each procedure will be different, there is the similarity of a lifted look for the skin that helps you to appear to be more refreshed and attentive.

You will first be given some type of anesthesia. Incisions are made, excess fat and tissue are removed, additional alterations may be made, and remaining skin is pulled firmly and secured. Any additional work will be explained by your chosen Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert. You will most likely be allowed to go home after a few hours.

An expert in double eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills may not need to use incisions for this type of procedure at all. The surgeon may be able to obtain the desired results simply through the use of sutures unless the surgeon has to remove excess fat or underlying tissue also during this procedure. You can discuss the best options for your individual needs.

Cosmetic Surgeries Common Among Celebrities

The famous actresses, musicians, and models that are featured in magazines and on the red carpet seem physically perfect. It is no secret that cosmetic surgery is a solution that many famous faces take advantage of to achieve their best appearance. It is important for individuals in the media spotlight to feel adequately confident that unattractive natural features do not overshadow their talent. Rhinoplasty is an important technique to eliminate the unwanted appearance of a crooked or large nose. Our Beverly Hills celebrity nose jobs specialist often provides such great results that people cannot tell that the patient has had any work done.

A lot of celebrity patients tend to focus on improving the minor details so that they do not feel insecure on screen and in pictures. The expert in otoplasty in Beverly Hills often decreases the appearance of large ears by pinning them back instead of actually removing cartilage and skin. Older celebrities prefer mild rejuvenation techniques to eliminate embarrassing wrinkles and deep creases when they begin to become noticeable. An eyebrow or upper eyelid lift can be a very effective solution for any patient that only needs a minor rejuvenation technique to restore their more youthful appearance.

Eyelid Lift Compared to Upper Eyelid Surgery

With so many surgical procedures having names that seem similar, it really can be difficult to understand exactly what a client means when referring to an eyelid lift. An eyelid lift can be used to discuss a lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery, or even double eyelid surgery. When looked at in this way, an eyelid lift and an upper eyelid surgery can mean the same thing. Thus, it would depend on the changes you would like to make to your eye area in order for an eyelid lift in Beverly Hills to offer you the right advice and options to help you to reach your aesthetic goals.

Lower eyelid surgery can be used to reduce bags beneath the eyes. The skin will look firmer and more youthful following the procedure. An upper eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills can reduce sagging skin beneath the brow bone that may cover the upper eyelid to create a more refreshed look. A surgeon can create a crease for double eyelid surgery.

An eyebrow lift, also called forehead lift, can raise the eyebrows to create the look of a lift to the eyes.