Category Archives: Mohs Surgery

What Does Mohs Surgery Do?

Surgery gets reinvented out of necessity, and skin cancer surgery is no exception. However, one procedure has lasted since the 1930s with just a few minor revisions. Named after the surgical resident who founded it, Mohs micrographic surgery is still recognized as the leading weapon against basal and skin carcinomas—two of the four most common skin cancers.

Mohs surgery is renowned for its stunning precision and elite cure rate, not to mention is fantastic visuals. The goal of the surgery is to remove all cancerous tissue while sparing the largest amount of healthy tissue. This is accomplished by removing the relevant skin in increasing layers, freezing the layers, and then studying the layers under a microscope. While you wait, your skin sample is checked for remaining cancer cells. If cells remain, the process is repeated. If there are no more cells to be found, the wound is stitched up and you go home.

Our expert in Mohs surgery in Encino conducts the procedure after giving the patient a local anesthetic. Since the process can involve several stages, be prepared to wait—you don’t want to rush your own cure.

For more on Mohs, contact our skin doctor in Encino.