Category Archives: Facelift Surgery

Procedures for Lower Face Lifts

Targeting rejuvenation in the lower area of the face provides a couple of different treatment options that you may consider exploring. A cheek lift is going to improve the lower part of the face, but this would be considered a mid-facelift. If you only need work in the lower cheeks, chin, and neck areas, then the facelift surgeon in Beverly Hills will help you figure out the best solution.

Most patients with sagging near their jaw are noticing a double chin appearance from the skin resting below the face. The best remedy is to have it reduced during a neck lift so that the heavy tissue and skin are completely eliminated. Although the work is not technically performed in the face area, it does make a difference in the lower region of the face. A more traditional lower facelift is going to improve the definition around the mouth, chin, and jaw considerably. Surgery is usually the best option, but the expert in lower facelift surgery in Beverly Hills might recommend starting with filler injections if you have less severe problems as the typical patient. Before you commit to any procedure, the doctor is going to provide as much information about the options to help you make an informed decision regarding a lower facelift.

Surgical Options for Improving the Cheeks and Face

Many people assume that the term face lift implies that the whole face is actually lifted during the procedure. While a substantial portion of your face is improved through a face lift, it mostly lifts and tightens the skin of the lower face. In order for the cheeks to be restored, a cheek lift is the procedure that improves the mid face region.

A cheek lift addresses the resulting wrinkles and sagging skin that occurs when our cheeks start to descend. The malar pad, which is the fatty tissue beneath the cheeks, is actually what starts to drop and produce these effects. During a cheek lift surgery, incisions are made on the scalp above the hairline and in the mouth above the gum line. Through these incisions, our expert in cheek lift surgery in Beverly Hills lifts the malar pad onto a higher positioning on the cheekbones. The tissue is held in place by sutures that dissolve over time.

A facelift surgery is best for addressing issues of the lower face and neck, such as jowls, a double chin, marionette lines, and sagging skin on the neck. It can also improve some midface sagging, but may need to be combined with a cheek lift to fully address this area of the face. The incisions are usually placed along the hairline and extend back behind the ear. Contact our expert in lower facelift in Beverly Hills for more information.

Procedures for Improving Lower Face

The chin and jaw area of the face takes on a lot of residual skin and fat as we age. Some people actually have the double chin appearance caused by genetics or issues with weight. Lower facelift surgery is not always the only option, but it is highly effective when appropriate. People who are battling with excess skin and fat in the lower area of their face might benefit more from a cheek lift, though. The results shown in cheek lift before and after images indicate that rejuvenating the internal tissue causes the lower area to appear tighter, as well.

It is completely possible in some cases that the lower part of the face appears bulky due to issues with the neck. Extra skin and fat create a noticeable heaviness beneath the chin that is impossible to fix through simple diet and exercise. Our solution to this direct problem is the neck lift to slim the contour and eliminate the unnecessary skin. There is no way to provide a definite answer regarding the type of surgery that will provide the greatest amount of benefit to you without an examination. Rest assured, there is a great solution that our surgeon can provide after the initial consultation.

Benefits of Facelifts

The best benefit of a facelift is the rejuvenation and returning youthfulness that re-occur in response to the signs of aging. Wrinkled skin or excess skin is a major cosmetic problem after there is a loss of elasticity and moisture that occurs naturally with age. Gravity causes this loosened skin to droop and typically rest in the lower region of the face. Different techniques performed by our Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon can help with these symptoms to pull the tissue and skin upwards.

People that experience the majority of their sagging in the forehead and brow area tend to portray a permanently sad or angry expression. Lifting in the top region of the face can create a noticeable rejuvenation to the brow and eye area by making them appear more youthful. A mid-facelift concentrates on benefiting the cheek area if it has taken on the most aging signs. The malar fat pad that creates the attractive cheek fullness may begin to rest below the bone. Lifting this tissue enhances the natural contour of the cheeks and will slim the lower portion of the face that was filled out by extra tissue. If you want to find out how each option could benefit your condition, meet with our expert in facelift surgery in Beverly Hills.

What You Should Know about Facelift Surgery

Someone that is noticing that their face is beginning to take on an older appearance usually turns to a surgeon for help. One thing that some do not immediately understand is that a facelift is not the same treatment across the board. The surgeon has many different approaches to achieve youthful rejuvenation to correct signs of loose skin and sagging tissue. Keep in mind that although you may think a full facelift is the safest approach, it is going to create an over-corrected result if you do not truly require such a technique. A plan is created on an individual level each time a patient goes in for a consultation with the Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon.

You should know that a full facelift is not always the first solution to fix the obvious problems you’re experiencing. If sagging is a problem starting with drooping lips and skin building up near the jaws, a lower lift is typically the best treatment. A mid-facelift is performed on those experiencing problems losing facial contours beneath the eyes. The condition that our expert in facelift surgery in Beverly Hills finds a full treatment most appropriate for includes top to bottom sagging skin and tissue.

What is Lower Facelift Surgery?

There are different types of facelift procedures that target specific problem areas as needed. Not every patient actually needs a full facelift unless they are older and have sagging and wrinkles on their entire face. The lower lift focuses on the southern part of the face that often is the first to show signs of sagging due to gravity. As the skin and tissue lower, it gathers around the jowls, jawline, and cheeks to create unsightly bulkiness. Our expert in lower facelift surgery in Beverly Hills has an effective technique for removing the excess skin and tissue without obvious signs that you have had any work done.

Our expert in facelift surgery in Beverly Hills does not leave patients with the windswept, over-corrected look that makes it obvious a patient has had cosmetic work done. Discreet incisions are created near the ear so that excess fat can easily be trimmed along with the repositioning of sagging facial muscles. Once the underlying areas are corrected, the extra skin is draped tighter before being sutured to heal into a more youthful position. The results of the lower facelift alone are often adequate for patients, but it is possible to also have a neck lift to enhance the tightening.