What You Should Know about Facelift Surgery

Someone that is noticing that their face is beginning to take on an older appearance usually turns to a surgeon for help. One thing that some do not immediately understand is that a facelift is not the same treatment across the board. The surgeon has many different approaches to achieve youthful rejuvenation to correct signs of loose skin and sagging tissue. Keep in mind that although you may think a full facelift is the safest approach, it is going to create an over-corrected result if you do not truly require such a technique. A plan is created on an individual level each time a patient goes in for a consultation with the Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon.

You should know that a full facelift is not always the first solution to fix the obvious problems you’re experiencing. If sagging is a problem starting with drooping lips and skin building up near the jaws, a lower lift is typically the best treatment. A mid-facelift is performed on those experiencing problems losing facial contours beneath the eyes. The condition that our expert in facelift surgery in Beverly Hills finds a full treatment most appropriate for includes top to bottom sagging skin and tissue.

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