Category Archives: Eyelid Surgery

Is Eyelid Lift the Right Option for Me?

You do not have to be unhappy with the way that your eyelids look when there are several types of cosmetic surgery that can help to rejuvenate or enhance your appearance. An eyelid lift is a term that is used to refer to several cosmetic surgery procedures that can be completed on the upper or the lower eyelid.

You may want to consider upper eyelid surgery if you have sagging skin below your brow bone. This skin may or may not cover your eyelid, but it most likely will give you a tired look. A surgeon can remove excess tissue and tighten what remains for a more youthful and alert appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery may be a good choice if you want to reduce droopy skin or bags from underneath your eyes. You can look more refreshed after this procedure.

However, if your upper eyelid is full and smooth without an apparent crease, you may want to find an expert in double eyelid surgery in Los Angeles to help you out. Nearly half of those with Asian heritage have what is referred to as a monolid. Surgery can successfully address this issue.

History of Eyelid Surgery

While there have been huge leaps in the advancement of surgical techniques that are used to enhance the appearance of the eyelids, this type of surgery has actually been performed for centuries. In fact, in the 1st century A.D., Roman philosopher Aulus Cornelius Celsus first mentioned removal of excess upper eyelid skin.

In the 1800s, the term blepharoplasty was first used by German surgeon Karl Ferdinand Von Graefe to describe reconstruction surgery following removal of cancer tissue. Drawings of the aging eyelid were first published in this time.

More advances were made in eyelid surgery in the 1900s. Diagrams published by American surgeon Conrad Miller show incisions that are similar to those currently in use. Marking of skin prior to surgery was encouraged, and techniques were used to reduce the chance of excess scarring. During World War I and World War II, many injured soldiers were in need of reconstructive eye surgeries, leading to better techniques.

It has been in the last couple of decades that technological advances have really come about to reduce the risk of complications and improve results. An expert in eyelid surgery in Los Angeles can tell you more about your options.

Are Facial Cosmetic Surgeries Affordable?

Determining how affordable a facial treatment is begins with understanding the financial situation of a specific candidate. Individuals with a lot of excess income may feel comfortable undergoing multiple expensive treatments without feeling that it is a burden on their finances. Other people might need to carefully budget for months to make the investment in their preferred technique. If money is an issue, the cost of nose job in Beverly Hills can be reduced by undergoing the liquid filler treatment that is an alternative to surgery. The majority of popular surgical procedures are offered with the option of an alternative technique that is more affordable in the short-term picture.

Facial filler is very versatile in the way that it can rejuvenate the appearance or change the characteristics of a specific feature, like the nose or lips. One exception is the eyelid area because most patients want to rejuvenate loose skin to eliminate wrinkles, and more work is needed than simple adding filler. The cost of eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills may be reduced if an Asian patient only desires the creation of a natural-looking fold of skin. This can be achieved in some patients with the addition of basic sutures, so they would have an opportunity to achieve their goals without real surgery.

Purpose of Upper Eyelid Surgery

There are different reasons why an individual may choose to have surgery to the upper eyelid. In some cases, it is to resolve a monolid appearance with a double eyelid surgery. Other times, sagging skin or excess fat may build up to cover part or all of the upper eyelid. If the drooping tissue affects your vision, the surgery may be medically necessary. However, you may simply want more self-confidence from a more rejuvenated appearance. A skilled facial plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills can discuss the different options that will help you to achieve your aesthetic goals.

During the aging process, less collagen is produced. This can lead to less volume and results in sagging of the skin. Because the skin in the eye area is already thin, loss of collagen can have a dramatic impact on the upper eyelids. A Beverly Hills upper eyelid surgery expert can remove any unwanted tissue and tighten up the remaining skin. This can transform a sad or tired expression into one that is interested and more alert. Whether you wish to look younger or correct a monolid, an upper eyelid surgery may be a good choice for you.

Steps in Eyelid Lift

There are several different types of eyelid surgery that can be used to enhance your appearance. These are lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery, and double eyelid surgery, also called Asian eyelid surgery. These procedures are sometimes referred to collectively as eyelid lift. While the end result of each procedure will be different, there is the similarity of a lifted look for the skin that helps you to appear to be more refreshed and attentive.

You will first be given some type of anesthesia. Incisions are made, excess fat and tissue are removed, additional alterations may be made, and remaining skin is pulled firmly and secured. Any additional work will be explained by your chosen Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert. You will most likely be allowed to go home after a few hours.

An expert in double eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills may not need to use incisions for this type of procedure at all. The surgeon may be able to obtain the desired results simply through the use of sutures unless the surgeon has to remove excess fat or underlying tissue also during this procedure. You can discuss the best options for your individual needs.

Eyelid Lift Compared to Upper Eyelid Surgery

With so many surgical procedures having names that seem similar, it really can be difficult to understand exactly what a client means when referring to an eyelid lift. An eyelid lift can be used to discuss a lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery, or even double eyelid surgery. When looked at in this way, an eyelid lift and an upper eyelid surgery can mean the same thing. Thus, it would depend on the changes you would like to make to your eye area in order for an eyelid lift in Beverly Hills to offer you the right advice and options to help you to reach your aesthetic goals.

Lower eyelid surgery can be used to reduce bags beneath the eyes. The skin will look firmer and more youthful following the procedure. An upper eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills can reduce sagging skin beneath the brow bone that may cover the upper eyelid to create a more refreshed look. A surgeon can create a crease for double eyelid surgery.

An eyebrow lift, also called forehead lift, can raise the eyebrows to create the look of a lift to the eyes.

Cost of Double Eyelid Surgery

If you are like approximately half of those with Asian heritage, you may not have an obvious crease that portrays a visible upper eyelid. In order to correct this, you might be considering cosmetic surgery. You will have questions about the procedure and the total cost of the surgery. To find out more about what will occur with your specific situation, you may want to speak with a double eyelid surgery in Los Angeles.

For double eyelid surgery, the surgeon will not only remove excess tissue where necessary but must create a fold for a functioning upper eyelid that looks natural. The procedure may require the use of incisions, sutures, or both in order to create the changes and appearance that you desire.

When it comes to the cost of double eyelid surgery, each surgeon will charge a fee that could be based onise, training, and even the geographical location where the surgery will take place. Los Angeles eyelid surgery cost averages from $2,000 to $7,000, but this cost can be more or less depending on your individual features, what changes you would like to have made, and the surgeon you choose.

Do I Need Eyelid Surgery?

In most cases, cosmetic surgery is seen as an elective procedure rather than one that is completely necessary. However, if you wonder if you have other options or if surgery would be your best choice to achieve the look that you want, you may want to discuss your concerns with several different surgeons before making your decision.

There are nonsurgical options such as injections that can temporarily alter the appearance of your eyes. Dermal fillers can be used to add volume and fill in gaps and wrinkles. Botox can minimize future lines. However, if you have excess tissue that bags or droops, you may want to go the surgical route for best results.

Surgery to the lower eyelid can be used to remove bags and puffiness beneath the lower eyelashes for a smoother, firmer look. Upper eyelid surgery can be used to remove excess fat and underlying tissue that causes sagging beneath your brow bone. Once the remaining skin is pulled firmly and secured, you will look ore youthful and vibrant than before the surgery. If you are looking for more dramatic and permanent results than those offered by injections, you may need the surgery.

How Expensive is Double Eyelid Surgery?

It is necessary to meet with your Beverly Hills double eyelid surgery doctor to find out the best treatment for your unique symptoms. A patient may desire the least expensive option, but it would be a waste of money to go through a treatment that is inadequate. Searching for a doctor that offers their services at a discount price is also a bad idea because the expense multiplies if you need a revision. The best way to approach the double eyelid surgery cost in Beverly Hills is to commit to saving for the investment, regardless of the amount you must pay.

A full incision double eyelid surgery allows the specialist to provide significant rejuvenation along with the creation of the new skin crease. It is the most involving process so it is understandable that this patient would pay the highest price for major results. A partial incision technique is typically cheaper, but it is still considered an invasive procedure that requires general anesthesia and time in a surgical facility. The least expensive treatment option is not suitable for every single double eyelid surgery candidate because it relies only on thin sutures to create the distinct fold in the upper eyelid.

What is Different in Eyelid Lift Compared to Asian Eyelid Surgery?

Depending on who you ask, an eyelid lift and an upper eyelid surgery can be used to denote the exact same procedure. The goal is to lift any sagging skin that droops beneath the brow bone that may cover any part or even all of your upper eyelid. A Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert will make an incision, typically in the natural crease of the eyelid. Any fat and excess tissue can be removed. Your skin will be pulled firmly and the incision will be closed with sutures. You will look more refreshed and your eyes will look more open than before the surgery.

Another type of surgery on the upper eyelids is known as a double eyelid surgery. It is often referred to as Asian eyelid surgery  due to the number of individuals with this ethnic background who choose to have this procedure. This is somewhat different than a traditional eyelid lift. The surgeon will create a crease to divide the upper eyelid are in half to create the appearance of a visible upper eyelid where one was not previously present, and any excess fullness will be reduced.