Category Archives: Eyelid Lift

Is Eyelid Lift the Right Option for Me?

You do not have to be unhappy with the way that your eyelids look when there are several types of cosmetic surgery that can help to rejuvenate or enhance your appearance. An eyelid lift is a term that is used to refer to several cosmetic surgery procedures that can be completed on the upper or the lower eyelid.

You may want to consider upper eyelid surgery if you have sagging skin below your brow bone. This skin may or may not cover your eyelid, but it most likely will give you a tired look. A surgeon can remove excess tissue and tighten what remains for a more youthful and alert appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery may be a good choice if you want to reduce droopy skin or bags from underneath your eyes. You can look more refreshed after this procedure.

However, if your upper eyelid is full and smooth without an apparent crease, you may want to find an expert in double eyelid surgery in Los Angeles to help you out. Nearly half of those with Asian heritage have what is referred to as a monolid. Surgery can successfully address this issue.

Steps in Eyelid Lift

There are several different types of eyelid surgery that can be used to enhance your appearance. These are lower eyelid surgery, upper eyelid surgery, and double eyelid surgery, also called Asian eyelid surgery. These procedures are sometimes referred to collectively as eyelid lift. While the end result of each procedure will be different, there is the similarity of a lifted look for the skin that helps you to appear to be more refreshed and attentive.

You will first be given some type of anesthesia. Incisions are made, excess fat and tissue are removed, additional alterations may be made, and remaining skin is pulled firmly and secured. Any additional work will be explained by your chosen Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert. You will most likely be allowed to go home after a few hours.

An expert in double eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills may not need to use incisions for this type of procedure at all. The surgeon may be able to obtain the desired results simply through the use of sutures unless the surgeon has to remove excess fat or underlying tissue also during this procedure. You can discuss the best options for your individual needs.

What is Different in Eyelid Lift Compared to Asian Eyelid Surgery?

Depending on who you ask, an eyelid lift and an upper eyelid surgery can be used to denote the exact same procedure. The goal is to lift any sagging skin that droops beneath the brow bone that may cover any part or even all of your upper eyelid. A Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert will make an incision, typically in the natural crease of the eyelid. Any fat and excess tissue can be removed. Your skin will be pulled firmly and the incision will be closed with sutures. You will look more refreshed and your eyes will look more open than before the surgery.

Another type of surgery on the upper eyelids is known as a double eyelid surgery. It is often referred to as Asian eyelid surgery  due to the number of individuals with this ethnic background who choose to have this procedure. This is somewhat different than a traditional eyelid lift. The surgeon will create a crease to divide the upper eyelid are in half to create the appearance of a visible upper eyelid where one was not previously present, and any excess fullness will be reduced.

Is Eyelid Surgery Covered by Insurance?

In most cases, you can be sure that cosmetic surgical procedures are not covered by your regular medical insurance policy. This is because most of these procedures are not deemed to be medically necessary and thus are seen as elective procedures.

This does not mean that there are never any cases where a necessary cosmetic procedure would not be covered by your medical insurance. An example of this is for certain cases involving eyelid surgery.

During the aging process, skin beneath the brow bone can lost elasticity and volume and begin to sag. This skin and underlying fat tissue often droops down on top of the upper eyelid, causing a tired appearance. However, this tissue can often droop so much as to actually block the eye. When vision is affected, eyelid surgery may be covered by insurance. You may want to consult with an expert in eyelid lift in Beverly Hills for more information.

If the procedure is not covered by insurance, Beverly Hills eyelid surgery cost can be well over the nearly $3,000 of the national average. Actual cost will vary by surgeon, so be sure to ask questions ahead of time.

What is the Purpose of Double Eyelid Surgery

Double eyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that creates a fold to act as a functioning upper eyelid. It is also referred to as Asian eyelid surgery because a large percentage of individuals who choose this procedure are of Asian ancestry. A Beverly Hills double eyelid surgery expert can help you to determine what results you might achieve with this procedure.

In some individuals, the skin below the brow all the way to the upper lash line is full and somewhat smooth without the appearance of an obvious upper eyelid. Many people with this feature do not like the look and wish to have a plastic surgeon perform a surgical procedure in order to create an upper eyelid that is readily apparent.

This is much different than wanting an eyelid surgery to tighten skin and tissue that droops and covers the upper eyelid. In a typical eyelid surgery, the surgeon tightens saggy skin and tissue so that the existing upper eyelid and crease are more apparent. In a double eyelid surgery, a Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert must create the fold and upper lid in order to achieve the desired look.

Eyelid Surgery vs. Eyelid Lift

An eyelid surgery does not always entail lifting or a rejuvenation of any sort to complete successfully. One type of eyelid surgery is a way for Asian people to eliminate the appearance of a monolid with the establishment of a new skin fold. This beneficial technique can also accomplish rejuvenation if the patient feels that they would like to reduce some of their age signs as well.

The actual eyelid lift is a way that our specialist eliminates the heaviness of the upper eyelids with an invasive technique. It is performed under general anesthesia, where some double eyelid surgery techniques only require local anesthesia injections for comfort. The doctor is going to rejuvenate and eliminate any extra skin and sagging muscle tissue so that the entire area seems more rested and youthful. This technique can be very successful and make a noticeable difference when completed by the Beverly Hills eyelid lift expert. Most people understand which treatment is best by visiting with the doctor to have their initial consultation completed. You may not understand how much of a benefit you can achieve with a rejuvenation until the doctor points out symptoms that could be corrected with a long term solution.

Improving Your Face with Eyelid Lift

There are a lot of ways that an adult can experience the signs of age in their facial area. The eyes are always very noticeable because they convey emotion, so people tend to use this as their focal point when communicating. If you are starting to feel insecure about this area, a lift is going to provide a long-term benefit to your overall appearance.

A surgery provided by our Los Angeles eyelid lift expert is going to be more beneficial than any other treatment option. An eyelid lift is invasive, but the technique allows our professional to go inside the area to correct specific problems as needed. One big concern of patients is the fat pockets that seem to show up overnight. It is not exclusive to overweight patients, and this is one type of eyelid problem that will not correct without surgery. The next step for the doctor is to adjust the position of the muscle that has started to fall loosely above the eyes. It is going to look much younger and smoother once it has been lifted closer to the brows. At the end of the treatment, the surgeon will pull the skin tighter and trim away any extra.

Eyelid Surgery Vs. Eyelid Lift

The main difference between an eyelid lift and other eyelid surgery alternatives is that one uses a single technique. An eyelid lift is technically considered an invasive surgical technique, but it does not work the same way when it is switched around. Ptosis repair, double eyelid surgery, and lower lid rejuvenation are all types of surgery that do not require the traditional lifting technique.

Rejuvenation surgery performed by our expert in eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills entails removing any excess skin, decreasing any bulk or fat, and then raising the position of the underlying tissue above each eye. This is a very effective way to decrease the noticeable signs of aging in a way that cosmetics only achieve temporarily.

While double eyelid surgery may involve some level of rejuvenation, it is usually only limited to defining a natural looking crease on an otherwise flat eyelid. Lower lid rejuvenation may also require lifting if it is needed by the patient receiving treatment. Otherwise, the doctor may be conservatively smoothing permanent fat that has accumulated beneath the eye.

If you are interested in being treated by our Beverly Hills upper eyelid lift expert, it is important to understand the details of surgery. Since a lift can only accomplish so much, you can address additional concerns through our other eyelid surgery techniques.

Eyelid Surgery Vs. Eyelid Lift

Anyone who is serious about improving the appearance of their eyelids should understand that the eyelid lift is not always the same as eyelid surgery. There are certain conditions not addressed by a simple eyelid lift, such as the condition of ptosis in one or both eyes. An eyelid lift performed by our Beverly Hills eyelid surgery expert involves a combination of skin tightening, adjusting the underlying tissue, and removal of any excess fat adding weight to the loose skin. The original patients seen in upper eyelid surgery before and after images tend to not have any complications other than noticeable sagging.

A patient that is suffering from ptosis does not actually need an eyelid lift to fix the problem. It can occur in people from the time they are born, or happen later in life when the eyelid margin falls lower than normal. Some people may need to have this condition corrected if it is obstructing vision or creating an embarrassing asymmetry. Lifting tissue and tightening skin is not an efficient cure because it will require correction of the stretched tendon. If you desire to improve the appearance of your upper eyelids, our surgeon can help you decide whether you require a lift or another eyelid surgery.