Category Archives: Rhinoplasty

How Much Does a Rhinoplasty Cost?

Most patients that receive a successful nose job are happy to admit that it has changed their entire outlook on life. A sense of confidence in your facial appearance improves self-esteem, making it easier to approach others without feeling embarrassed. If you notice that the size or shape of your nose is making it difficult to feel happy and confident, do not let the cost of a rhinoplasty stand in the way of improving the way you feel about yourself.

If you request a detailed estimate of the rhinoplasty cost in Beverly Hills, the fees will include appointments, medications, anesthesia, and the amount paid to the surgeon. A more complex treatment is going to have a higher price than a simple augmentation, but it is worth making the investment if it will improve your confidence.

Our expert in rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills is one of the most experienced doctors in the field of cosmetic surgery procedures. The fees for a reputable surgeon are typically higher than for someone who is new to the industry. This is only because the new surgeons lack the experience and technique necessary to achieve a great nose job. Potential patients should always seek the help of a skilled professional so that they have the best chance of getting the desired result out of their treatment

What to Expect from Rhinoplasty Procedure

It can be easy to tell a patient that they can expect only great results from their nose job, but our surgeon is focused on the details. For those interested in rhinoplasty surgery, an initial consultation exam will provide time for our surgeon to go over your treatment plan and discuss it in detail to ensure that all points are addressed. You deserve to know exactly what to expect the day of surgery and in the time you spend recovering.

By helping all of our patients understand the invasive process is one way that our Beverly Hills rhinoplasty expert ensures that patients feel confident in their decision. A nose job is a major commitment, but the results are going to be life-changing for the person receiving an augmentation. During the consultation, do not miss the opportunity to get to know the skills and qualifications of your surgeon by examining their rhinoplasty before and after pictures.

There should be no concerns about the recovery process, because it is over within a few weeks. The first week entails the most discomfort and side effects, including swelling, bruising, and tenderness. Yet, there is no reason a patient should ever be in real pain. As long as you are careful in taking the right precautions as needed, the body is going to heal itself without much complication. If you have any concerns about your rhinoplasty, the doctor is always available to answer questions that you have.

When is Rhinoplasty Revision Necessary?

Reasons that a person may need a revision after a botched nose job can range from purely aesthetic to problems with the necessary functions. Mistakes can happen to anyone in the professional field, but an inexperienced surgeon has an increased chance of leaving patients with an unsatisfactory result at the conclusion of their treatment. It can take months to fully heal so that the results can be seen, but our Beverly Hills rhinoplasty expert encourages waiting to be able to assess the condition adequately.

The most common reason that a person requires a revision nose job is if the original surgery failed to correct the original problem. If the surgeon removed too much cartilage, there is a risk of the entire nose collapsing because it is not strong enough to support itself. Another major problem involves the inability to properly breathe because of a blocked or crooked passageway due to a poor surgery. No matter what problems you are left to deal with, the doctor is able to find a solution for you. Our expert in rhinoplasty revision surgery in Beverly Hills is dedicated to caring for patients on an individual basis so that they are finally able to achieve great results the second time around.

Prices for Rhinoplasty

Many patients are unsatisfied with the appearance of their nose, so they come to our plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills to inquire about a rhinoplasty. This surgery is very effective at drastically changing the appearance of your nose and how it blends in with the rest of your facial features, but unfortunately, rhinoplasties are very rarely covered by insurance providers, and as a result, the cost will have to come out of your own pocket.

You can schedule a consultation with our surgeon to discuss the process and your payment options. Rhinoplasty prices in Beverly Hills will vary from patient to patient since several different factors need to be taken into account. You may need to have some lab work done and some imaging tests completed before the surgery can begin. And the surgery itself will vary based on how extensive the changes to the nose will be.

Our surgeon will be able to give you an estimate of your final cost during your initial consultation so that you know what you are getting into. From there you can decide if a rhinoplasty is best for you. Many patients who go through with the procedure find that the results are well worth the investment.

What You Should Know about Rhinoplasty

Perhaps the most important thing to know about rhinoplasty is that it is much more than just a procedure used to reshape the nose. It can be used to reconstruct a nose altered by injury, create a feature that is more fitting to the rest of the face, and correct an obstructed airway for easier nasal breathing. Our expert in rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills performs surgery on patients for any combination of the mentioned reasons.

The nose is an area that people frequently seek plastic surgery to revise for relief from various insecurities. A personalized evaluation may actually determine that a small alteration through rhinoplasty is all that is required to have a more harmonious, symmetrical appearance.

Candidacy cannot be determined without a consultation with the surgeon to evaluate the current condition of the nose. It is a major procedure that has the same risk of complication as other delicate procedures performed by our Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. Multiple breaks make the risk of botched surgery higher than a person without prior injury. If you are interested in a rhinoplasty and want to find out more about the procedure to determine if it is right for you, schedule a consultation with our skilled surgeon.